The Asian American Pacific Islander Design Alliance (AAPIDA) is an organization and collective that engages, promotes, and empowers Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders working within the home and design industries to foster visibility, collaboration and representation industry-wide.

Our goals are to mobilize, empower, and engage AAPI professionals in the home and design industries and beyond, to enact change by catalyzing the creative energy and talent of our peers through the following mission pillars:


To advocate for cultural awareness, especially with regards to AAPI cultures, and elevate AAPI issues to the forefront in the home and design industry.



To raise awareness and be a voice for AAPI designers, artists, companies, projects, and others in the home and design industry.



To encourage and create collaboration opportunities between AAPI designers, brands, and other industry partners.



To foster an inclusive and open-minded dialogue of AAPI experiences in the home and design industry through increased representation at industry gatherings and AAPI-oriented events.



To provide mentorship and educational opportunities for AAPI members in the home and design industry.